Well, I've been over here in the States for two weeks now and am enjoying a heady mixture of heatwaves in the South, thunderstorms in the middle and pretty coolish Scottish summer weather in the North. This in turn is complemented with excellent breakfast buffets in the South, fine sports bar dining in the middle and multiple beer and pizza in the North!
On the Monday, I drove north to Orlando to drop off my rental (hire) car and picked up a minivan that needed to be delivered to Detroit. I'd found a company on the internet that move vehicles around the States for people who have moved house or jobs and they 'hire' tourists to do the driving so they can see more of the country. I don't get paid for doing it but I only need to pay for the gas (petrol) which is dirt cheap compared to home. Stayed in Orlando on the Monday night and then headed to Detroit on the Tuesday morning, after a mighty helping of pancakes, eggs, sausage, hash browns, coffee, orange juice, wheat toast and a muffin to go!
Driving on the interstates (motorways) in America is a pretty boring experience when the land is flat and featureless. However, once I crossed the state line into Georgia, I turned off and drove through some lovely "Gone With The Wind" country to reach a little college town, Athens. As you know, this is the home of top rock & pop combo REM and I was genuinely amazed not to run into them! The town itself though was lovely, very warm and laid back so guess what, I fitted right in!
I'd planned to stay in Tennessee that night but couldn't get out of the state quick enough. "Let's go to Kentucky instead," I thought, "That'll be nicer!" In truth, the countryside was fine but I felt quite inadequate without any dungarees and a pick up truck containing a scruffy dog and a shotgun. Luckily, I found a motel, double locked my door and avoided any late night banjo-duellin’!
So, so far so good although I've no idea yet what my next move will be. Will probably go to Chicago next but then again.... maybe not! Anyway, drop me a line with any news if you get a chance and I'll send more tales from the road soon.
Have a real nice day now!
Love, Neil x
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